Consistency of Empirical Bayes And Kernel Flow For Hierarchical Parameter Estimation


Hierarchical modeling and learning has proven very powerful in the field of Gaussian process regression and kernel methods, especially for machine learning applications and, increasingly, within the field of inverse problems more generally. The classical approach to learning hierarchical information is through Bayesian formulations of the problem, implying a posterior distribution on the hierarchical parameters or, in the case of empirical Bayes, providing an optimization criterion for them. Recent developments in the machine learning literature have suggested new criteria for hierarchical learning, based on approximation theoretic considerations that can be interpreted as variants of cross-validation, and exploiting approximation consistency in data splitting. The purpose of this paper is to compare the empirical Bayesian and approximation theoretic approaches to hierarchical learning, in terms of large data consistency, variance of estimators, robustness of the estimators to model misspecification, and computational cost. Our analysis is rooted in the setting of Matérn-like Gaussian random field priors, with smoothness, amplitude and inverse lengthscale as hierarchical parameters, in the regression setting. Numerical experiments validate the theory and extend the scope of the paper beyond the Matérn setting

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