Broken mirror symmetry in excitonic response of reconstructed domains in twisted MoSe₂/MoSe₂ bilayers


Van der Waals heterostructures obtained via stacking and twisting have been used to create moiré superlattices, enabling new optical and electronic properties in solid-state systems. Moiré lattices in twisted bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) result in exciton trapping, host Mott insulating and superconducting states6 and act as unique Hubbard systems whose correlated electronic states can be detected and manipulated optically. Structurally, these twisted heterostructures feature atomic reconstruction and domain formation. However, due to the nanoscale size of moiré domains, the effects of atomic reconstruction on the electronic and excitonic properties have not been systematically investigated. Here we use near-0°-twist-angle MoSe₂/MoSe₂ bilayers with large rhombohedral AB/BA domains to directly probe the excitonic properties of individual domains with far-field optics. We show that this system features broken mirror/inversion symmetry, with the AB and BA domains supporting interlayer excitons with out-of-plane electric dipole moments in opposite directions. The dipole orientation of ground-state Γ–K interlayer excitons can be flipped with electric fields, while higher-energy K–K interlayer excitons undergo field-asymmetric hybridization with intralayer K–K excitons. Our study reveals the impact of crystal symmetry on TMD excitons and points to new avenues for realizing topologically non-trivial systems, exotic metasurfaces, collective excitonic phases and quantum emitter arrays via domain-pattern engineering

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