
A Universal Formulation for Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination - PWM with Half-Wave Symmetry


Selective harmonic elimination - pulse width modulation (SHE-PWM) can be utilized to improve the efficiency of multilevel voltage source converters due to its ability to provide low switching frequency and tight control of low-order harmonics. In addition, SHE-PWM with half-wave (HW) symmetry provides a higher number of solutions than quarter-wave (QW) symmetry and therefore, the waveform design can be improved. This work proposes a universal formulation, which can be utilized with HW symmetry, that provides a unique system of equations valid for any possible multilevel waveform. Thereby, without using predefined waveforms, this formulation provides the ability to search simultaneously both the firing angles and the switching patterns, simplifying significantly the search process and providing a high number of solutions. With the aim of selecting the optimum sets of firing angles, the solutions provided by HW and QW symmetries are compared, based on several metrics of harmonic performance, for particular test cases. Experimental results also validate the universal formulation with HW symmetry.Eusko Jaurlaritza; Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion Desarrollo e Innovacio

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