NAUTILUS-DTU10 MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine at Gulf of Maine: Public numerical models of an actively ballasted semisubmersible


This study presents two numerical multiphysics models of the NAUTILUS-10 floating support structure mounting the DTU10 MW Reference Wind Turbine at Gulf of Maine site, and analyses its dynamics. With the site conditions and the FAST model of the onshore turbine as the starting point, the floating support structure: tower, floating substructure with its corresponding active ballast system and station keeping system, was designed by NAUTILUS. The numerical models were developed and the onshore DTU wind energy controller was tuned to avoid the resonance of the operating FOWT by TECNALIA, in the framework of H2020 LIFES50+ project. This concept and its subsystems are fully characterised throughout this paper and implemented in opensource code, FAST v8.16. Here, the mooring dynamics are solved using MoorDyn, and the hydrodynamic properties are computed using HydroDyn. Viscous effects, not captured by radiation-diffraction theory, are modelled using two different approaches: (1) through linear and quadratic additional hydrodynamic damping matrices and (2) by means of Morison elements. A set of simulations (such as, decay, wind only and broadband irregular waves tests) were carried out with system identification purposes and to analyse the differences between the two models presented. Then, a set of simulations in stochastic wind and waves were carried out to characterise the global response of the FOWT.European Union Horizon2020 programme under the agreement H2020-LCE-2014-1-640741, LIFES50+ projec

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