Toward Circular Economy Implementation : A Tool for Integrating Circularity Indicators into Portfolio Management


One of the barriers for companies to implement circular economy (CE) principles is creating a portfolio of CE projects. Circularity indicators can evaluate circularity for managing products in circularity perspective. However, existing circularity indicators are either lacking a holistic facet of CE or too complicated for practical usage, which could be barriers for practitioners to manage a CE project portfolio. The aim of this study is to develop a highly intelligible CE portfolio management tool to visualize circularity calculated by circularity indicators with holistic criteria. The CE portfolio mapping tool was built through semi-structured interviews with a case company, identifying three main requirements for general CE portfolio management tools and revealing four contributions of the developed tool. This study contributes to integrating practitioner view into the research context of circularity indicators and taking first step toward further research in CE portfolio management.QC 20200910</p

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