Cancer in animals : novel causes and ways of predicting biological behavior : a collection of published papers presented in application for the degree of Doctor of Science of Massey University


This Doctor of Science comprises a number of published works, listed in the References in the attached file. As such, due to copyright restriction, they are not included here but can be accessed individually from the publisher.This thesis for examination for the Doctor of Science degree consists of a collection of papers published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. The work described was predominantly performed over the last 15 years at Massey University. While performing the research described in this thesis, I have also been involved in other non-cancer research projects. Some of the papers that describe this research are listed at the end of the reference list, but are not contained within the thesis. My interest in cancer in non-human species first began while I was working as a diagnostic pathologist at the University of Georgia. While in this position I became intrigued by the patterns of cancers that developed in different species and breeds of animals. My interest in cancer further developed into my main research focus when I returned to Massey University in 2004. During the subsequent 15 years, the majority of my research has been into the development and biological behavior of cancer in animals. This research remains important as it was pioneering in suggesting that infectious agents could be important causes of cancer in non-human species. Today, numerous studies are published every year further investigating the role of infectious agents in neoplastic diseases of animals. In addition, considering the rapid progression of veterinary oncology in the last 15 years, determining better ways to predict neoplasm behavior is currently an intense field of research in veterinary medicine

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