Rapport I.17 The effect of front shroud on the partial flow and cavitation performance of centrifugal impellers


The significance of the absence or presence of a front shroud which classifies a centrifugal impeller as fully shrouded (closed) or half shrouded (open) is examined, in particular the part load and cavitation performances. It is shown that the absence or presence of the front-shroud has some hydraulic effects but not critical enough to be consided as a main design criteria.Engeda A., Rautenberg M. Rapport I.17 The effect of front shroud on the partial flow and cavitation performance of centrifugal impellers. In: Machines hydrauliques. Conception et exploitation. Développements récents et Applications aux différents secteurs industriels. Vingtièmes journées de l'hydraulique. Lyon, 4-6 avril 1989. Tome 1, 1989

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