Nitrogen movement in coarse-textured soils and its availability to maize (Zea mays L.) plant


6pNitrogen (N) is the most important determinant nutrient for plant growth and crop yield. Plants lacking N show stunted growth and yellowish leaves. Plant growth and crop yield usually in- crease when N is added. However, too much N leads to weak stems in grain crops (lodging) which result into low yield. The aim of the study was to delineate changes of N concentration, its direction of movement and its pattern of dispo- sition in the soil as influenced by amount of ap- plied water and nitrogen so as to reduce N losses and maximise its absorption by maize roots.The study was conducted during irrigation seasons of 2011 and 2012 at Nkango Irrigation Scheme, Malawi. The trials consisted of factorial arrangement in a Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD). The factors were water and N and both were at four levels. The Triscan Sensor was used to measure total N concentration at different vertical and lateral points. The study inferred that changes of N concentration, its di- rection of movement and its pattern of disposi- tion in the soil are influenced by water flux and absorption rate of plants roots due to gradient created by absorption. The study noted that when N is in low supply, its movement towards maize roots is greatly influenced by diffusion. The study concluded that to maximise N absorp- tion by maize roots, the point of N application should be at 5 cm away from the planting station to minimise N losses through drifting away from the maize rooting zone

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