Comparison of xylazine and lidocaine effects for analgesia and cardiopulmonary functions following lumbosacral epidural injection in goats


Journal of Veterinary Medicine 1999, A 49:605–611The present study was carried out in order to compare the effects of xylazine and lidocaine on analgesia and cardiopulmonary parameters following epidural injection in goats. Twelve healthy Small East African goats of both sexes (mean 2 SD; 15.6 2 1.9 kg body weight) were used. The goats were randomly assigned to two groups of five and seven animals. The first group (n = 5) was given 2 % lidocaine-HCl at 4400 mg/kg body weight. The second group (n = 7) was administered 2 % xylazine-HCl at 150 mg/kg body weight. All drugs were diluted in 5 ml of sterile water and were injected epidurally through the lumbosacral interspace with the injection taking over 20 s. Both drugs induced analgesia within 5 min. Signs of sedation, cardiopulmonary changes and lateral recumbency developed within 5–7 min after administration of epidural xylazine. Tail flaccidity and hind limb paralysis developed 3 min after epidural administration of lidocaine. The time from recumbency to regaining normal stance was 60 and 158 min for xylazine- and lidocaine-treated animals respectively. Xylazine induced adequate analgesia of the flank and perineum, which extended to the head and forelimbs. In contrast, lidocaine induced adequate bilateral flank and perineal analgesia extending up to the third thoracic vertebra. For both drugs, analgesia of the flank and perineum persisted for the entire 180-min observational period. Epidural injection of xylazine and lidocaine caused variable depression effects on the cardiopulmonary values but was not so low as to cause concern. It is concluded that lumbosacral epidural injection of xylazine at 150 mg/kg body weight in 5 ml of water for injection offers the most desirable sedation and analgesia of the flank and perineum. The longer duration of analgesia may be useful for postoperative analgesia and relief of continuous straining in goats

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