Urinary tract infection: The role of canine transmissible venereal tumour


The role of transmissible ‘venereal tumours in the pathogenesis of urinary tract infection in dogs was investigated in 86 dogs. Fifty-five had transmissible venereal tumours, and the remaining 31 animals were used as controls. A thorough clinical examination of the external genitalia was carried out in each case. In the dogs with transmissible venereal tumours, the sites of attachment were recorded. Urine samples were taken by cystocentesis and the external genitalia swabbed; the samples were cultured for bacteria using standard methods. Tumours were found on the prepuce and other parts of the penis in male dogs; in bitches they were found in the vagina, vestibule or the vestibulovaginal junction. Dogs with transmissible venereal tumours were found to be at a high risk of having bacteriuria (odds ratio [OR] = 7.04). Obliteration of the urethral orifice by the tumour, possibly leading to urine retention, was thought to be the main reason for the high incidence of urinary tract infection among dogs with transmissible venereal tumours. Long-standing cases of transmissible venereal neoplasia had a higher chance of becoming bacteriuric compared with recent cases (OR=29.60). This study indicates that transmissible venereal tumour may he a predisposing factor for the development of urinary tract infection

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