Brain oscillatory activity as a biomarker of motor recovery in chronic stroke


In the present work, we investigated the relationship of oscillatory sensorimotor brain activity to motor recovery. The neurophysiological data of 30 chronic stroke patients with severe upper‐limb paralysis are the basis of the observational study presented here. These patients underwent an intervention including movement training based on combined brain–machine interfaces and physiotherapy of several weeks recorded in a double‐blinded randomized clinical trial. We analyzed the alpha oscillations over the motor cortex of 22 of these patients employing multilevel linear predictive modeling. We identified a significant correlation between the evolution of the alpha desynchronization during rehabilitative intervention and clinical improvement. Moreover, we observed that the initial alpha desynchronization conditions its modulation during intervention: Patients showing a strong alpha desynchronization at the beginning of the training improved if they increased their alpha desynchronization. Patients showing a small alpha desynchronization at initial training stages improved if they decreased it further on both hemispheres. In all patients, a progressive shift of desynchronization toward the ipsilesional hemisphere correlates significantly with clinical improvement regardless of lesion location. The results indicate that initial alpha desynchronization might be key for stratification of patients undergoing BMI interventions and that its interhemispheric balance plays an important role in motor recovery.Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Grant/Award Numbers: 13GW0053, 16SV7754; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Grant/Award Number: 9156335

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