
Quantum Measurement, Gravitation, and Locality


This essay argues that when measurement processes involve energies of the order of the Planck scale, the fundamental assumption of locality may no longer be a good approximation. Idealized position measurements of two distinguishable spin-00 particles are considered. The measurements alter the space-time metric in a fundamental manner governed by the commutation relations [xi  pj]=iℏ δij[x_i\,\,p_j]= i\hbar\,\delta_{ij} and the classical field equations of gravitation. This {\it in-principle} unavoidable change in the space-time metric destroys the commutativity (and hence locality) of position measurement operators.Comment: LA-UR-93-2890-REV, "honorable mention" for the 1994 Awards by Gravity Research Foundatio

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