A case of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea in a young female


A case of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea is presented. A 30-year-old non-smoking woman with strong inspiratory dyspnea at rest was admitted to the Dept, of Pulmonary Diseases. At auscultation a respiratory murmur was more silent at right lung and stridor over trachea was heard. CT scan revealed tumor at the bifurcation of the trachea. Bronchoscopy was made and biopsy established the diagnosis: adenoid cystic carcinoma. The tumor was partially removed with rigid bronchoscope and radiotherapy was started. Clinical improvement occurred; in control CT scan tumor vanished. The trachea cancers are rare. Symptoms often mimic asthma or chronic bronchitis. Thus in every patient with chronic cough and dyspnea bronchoscopy should be made. A treatment of choice is primary resection and postoperative radiotherapy

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