Declarative intonation patterns in multiple varieties of Spanish


Recent efforts have sought oo capture the intonational structure of declaratives in Latin American and Peninsular varieties of Spanish using an autosegmental-metrical (AM) model of intonation (Ladd 1996), like that proposed for English by Pierrehumhcrl ( 1980). These include a description by Sosa (1999) of multiple Latin and Peninsular varieties, and also more specific descriptions of Castilian Spanish by Face (in press), of Mexican Spanish by Prieto and colleagues (Prieto, van Santen & Hirschberg 1995, Prieto, Shih, & Nibert 1996, Prieto 1998), and of northern Peninsular and Venezuelan Spanish by participants at the first Spanish ToBI workshop (Mendoza-Denton, McGory, & Diaz-Campos 1999; Hualde 2000)

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