First impressions : the effect of perceived micro-expressions on the attitudes of others.


Research concerning facial expressions indicates that humans are capable of detecting and interpreting subtle and fleeting expressions, even without conscious effort. In this proposed study, the researchers examined whether or not preconsciously perceived micro-expressions have an effect on the attitudes and/or mood of the observer towards the individual exhibiting the micro-expressions. Participants watched a televised presidential speech given in 1991 by Former President George H.W. Bush. One half of the participants were shown the full speech without any edits made to the video and the second half watched the video with seven micro-expressions edited out of the video. Prior to and immediately following viewing the clip, participants were given the PANAS and BMIS inventory scales in order to determine their attitudes and emotions at that particular moment in time. The subjects were also given the Big Five Inventory and the Self-Monitoring Inventory scales after viewing the clip, in order to assess characteristics that may influence such attitudes and perceptions of the speaker and self-monitoring abilities of the participants. Participants who were shown the full speech without any edits exhibited a greater difference in mood between pre and post testing on the BMIS than participants who were shown the speech with micro-expressions edited out of the video.--Abstract

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