Molecular dissection of the 5\u2032 region of no-on-transientA of Drosophila melanogaster reveals cis-regulation by adjacent dGpi1 sequences


The nonA gene of Drosophila melanogaster is important for normal vision, courtship song, and viability and lies 3c350 bp downstream of the dGpi1 gene. Full rescue of nonA mutant phenotypes can be achieved by transformation with a genomic clone that carries 3c2 kb of 5\u2032 regulatory material and that encodes most of the coding sequence of dGpi1. We have analyzed this 5\u2032 region by making a series of deleted fragments, fusing them to yeast GAL4 sequences, and driving UAS-nonA expression in a mutant nonA background. Regions that both silence and enhance developmental tissue-specific expression of nonA and that are necessary for generating optomotor visual responses are identified. Some of these overlap the dGpi1 sequences, revealing cis-regulation by neighboring gene sequences. The largest 5\u2032 fragment was unable to rescue the normal electroretinogram (ERG) consistently, and no rescue at all was observed for the courtship song phenotype. We suggest that sequences within the nonA introns that were missing in the UAS-nonA cDNA may carry enhancer elements for these two phenotypes. Finally, we speculate on the striking observation that some of the cis-regulatory regions of nonA appear to be embedded within the coding regions of dGpi1

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