Actionable models of control in complex systems for the biomedical domain


Modern artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques predict system behavior from previous observations. However, in biology, and in true complex systems in general, profound transformation in system behavior can occur from never before seen observations. Moreover, AI/ML techniques are often unable to provide an explanation for their predictions. I will argue that complex systems modeling, while using AI/ ML techniques to estimate parameters, needs to produce actionable, dynamical models that can predict and explain system behavior for rare or unseen control events. This is particularly true for understanding biochemical regulation under dynamical perturbations from environmental and evolutionary events. Towards that goal, I will present our recent work uncovering effective control pathways in the canalizing dynamics of biochemical regulation. Our methodology centers on removing redundancy from systems biology models of development, cell cycle, and cancer response, as well as in models of cortical networks cultured from mouse brains. Removing the large amounts of redundancy in these models, reveals preferred pathways for the spread of perturbations and the building blocks of dynamical response, leading to the prediction of actionable control interventions

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