Wind Power and Railway Feeding : Solution with three sided converter


In this thesis it is investigated if it would be technically and economicallypossible to combine wind power and railway feeding. As a case studyBlekinge Kustbana (BKB), a railway section in the south of Sweden ischosen. The thesis includes an extensive power and energy flow analysison the railway section where large-scale wind power production is directlyconnected.When the work of this thesis started it was first of all a three sided convertersolution that should be studied. Where three-sided converter consists of aPWM-converter with the wind power connected to the DC-Iink. But duringthe work it was concluded that this solution is not the best solution for thecase. A better solution is the three-sided transformer, were the wind poweris connected through a third winding to the railway transformer on the 50Hzside.Also different railway feeding systems and their influence on how the windpower can be used are investigated.From the conclusions it can be mentioned that it would be profitable todirectly connect 4.5MW wind power to BKB.NR 20140805</p

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