A Study on How African Immigrants Experience Being Black in America


This study aims to cultivate a picture of what media coverage is out there on African immigrants that focuses on societal issues in America that have been popularized by Black American communities. These issues include; race-based discrimination, micro-aggressions, police mistrust and inter-racial dating practices. The importance of this study lies in the understanding of generational pain and suffering, and to learn if Black minorities who weren’t raised in America and weren’t privy to the emergence of that generational suffering feel a connection to Black American social struggles. It is also important to analyze the field and see what work has been done to look at the Black American experience using academic writing. This study would be completed by interviewing and providing questionnaires to African immigrants who have recently migrated to the United States, as well as a comprehensive literature review of previous study findings. The participants will be recruited in person using platforms in different African immigrant communities and forums. The in-person data will only be collected after health officials deem it safe to start working with others post-COVID. Once the data is gathered, we will analyze it qualitatively

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