The intriguing discovery that all living systems continuously emit endogenous, ultraweak photons has inspired numerous researchers to consider the information-bearing potential of biological photons as carriers of inter- and intracellular communication. In 1923, Alexander Gurwitsch first observed that a "morphogenetic field" in the form of ultraviolet light was involved in the regulation of plant cellular division. Over the last half century, the development of increasingly more sensitive photon detection technologies has revealed that a variety of plant, animal, and human cells continuously emit a low-intensity photoemission, which reflects the state of the organism's health. Wounded, stressed, and diseased cells tend to emit more light than healthy ones. It has also been suggested that photon emission and re-absorption in green leafy plants may provide for a dynamic communication feedback process. All of these observations and theoretic conjectures are dependent upon an actual photon emitter, and the primary plant emitters are chlorophyll molecules. In this research, corroborating evidence is provided to support recent research findings that the biophotonic signaling in wounded plant leaves is suppressed when in an oxygen-deficient environment. This novel research contributes to the body of plant wound-induced luminescence research and provides a novel methodology to measure this signaling phenomenon in vivo under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions., Department of the NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited