Scalar fields and secondary motion in character animation


Animation @ Eurographics 2017's Doctoral Consortium (38th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics )Producing convincing animated characters in computed-generated imagery ultimately depends upon the generation of realistic deformation of the character’s skin. Skin deformation, or skinning, is controlled by a set of intuitive handles known as a rig, which frequently takes the form of an animation skeleton. Skinning is often understood by animators as the result of primary and secondary motions. Primary motion, directly created by the animation skeleton, is the main driver of the skin’s deformation. However, the production of compelling skin behavior requires the addition of convincing secondary motion: elements deforming as a reaction to the character’s movements such as body parts jiggling, muscle bulging, wrinkles forming on the skin, hair or cloth floating, etc. Generating secondary motion for a character remains a challenging problem, given the variety of characters and scenarios in computer animation. Simplistic approaches fail to deliver the appropriate results, while computationally-intensive algorithms are too slow for interactive use and hamper the workflow of animators. Skin deformation methods which focus too much on realism may also conflict with artistic requirements to model believable imaginary creatures or exaggerated featuresThe goal of this research project is to provide a consistent framework which can produce believable secondary motion to animated characters. This framework should be able to integrate to existing animation pipelines, enabling animators to augment a character with secondary motion

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