Physical Layer Watermarking of Binary Phase-shift Keyed Signals Using Standard Gnu Radio Blocks


This thesis discussed the development, implementation, simulation, and testing of a physical layer watermarking method. The method was to use pre-existing GNU Radio building blocks. The main goal of the project was to implement a watermarking method using GNU Radio with the USRP software radios which could also be implemented using standard communications hardware so implementation on SDR systems as well as pre-existing communications systems was possible. Simulations of the physical layer watermarking system were created using a Monte Carlo method. The generation of a probability distribution of phase difference error was appropriate to analyze the expected performance of the DPSK watermarking system developed. Testing was performed in a realistic office environment where interference in the tested frequency band was common. A stationary receiver gathered data from a transmitter at various locations and power levels. The bit error rate of the gathered data was determined to analyze performance. While the testing in a real world environment had a limited range of valid analysis due to limited sampling time and interference, the results were comparable with the simulations. Testing and simulations showed the proposed physical layer watermarking method has the potential to compete with the performance of other authentication focused watermarking methods. In addition, the proposed method could be used to provide a separate, possible secretive, data channel under certain circumstances. An important benefit of the proposed watermarking method is its ability to be implemented in many SDR or traditional communication systems with no hardware modifications.School of Electrical & Computer Engineerin

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