Abstract Transducers for Software Analysis and Verification


Whenever software faults can endanger human life, property, or the environment, the absence of faults must be ensured with utmost care and the best technologies available. Evidence is needed showing that all requirements are satisfied and that the risk of faults is reduced. One technique to conduct such a verification task—composed of the software to verify, the specification to check, and a model of the environment—is software model checking. To conduct a verification task with a model checker, different models of the task are constructed. We distinguish between two types of task models: syntactic task models and semantic task models, which define the respective syntactic structure (control flow) and semantic structure (state transitions, invariants) of the verification task. When constructing such models, we can observe that similar structures and substructures reappear within and among different verification tasks. For example, the same assertions to check can appear in different functions, or the same predicate can be part of different invariants to describe sets of program states. Similarities that appear during the model construction process can be the result of solving similar reasoning problems, often solved using computationally expensive procedures (as typical for model checking), over and over again. Not reusing results of solving similar problems, not having a means for conducting repeated efforts automatically, or not trying to reduce the number of similar reasoning efforts, is a waste of precious resources. To address these problems, we present a common conceptual and technical foundation for sharing syntactic and semantic task artifacts for reuse, within and among verification runs. Both the syntactic construction of a verification task and the construction of its semantic model—which describes all possible behaviors and states—are covered. We study how commonalities and regularities in the task models can be taken into account to facilitate the process of sharing task artifacts for reuse, and to make the overall verification process more efficient and effective. We introduce abstract transducers as the theoretical foundation of this thesis: a type of finite-state transducers with an inherent notion of abstraction for states, the input alphabet, and its output alphabet. Abstracting these transducers allows us to widen both the set of input words for that they produce output and the sets of output words. Abstract transducers are instantiated as task artifact transducers to map from program structures to task artifacts to share. We show that the notion of abstraction provides a means for increasing the scope for that task artifacts are shared for reuse. We present two instances of task artifact transducers: Yarn transducers and precision transducers. We use Yarn transducers for providing code to weave into the control-flow structure of a computer program, and present the Loom analysis as a means for orchestrating the weaving process. Precision transducers provide a means for sharing abstraction precisions for reuse, thus aid in defining the level of abstraction of a semantic task model. For both types of transducers, we provide empirical evidence on their practical applicability, for example, to verify Linux kernel modules, and show that they can help in increasing the verification performance

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