L'intérêt de l'animation comme support au code de la route pour les candidats sourds


Entretiens Jacques Cartier, LYON, FRANCE, 13-/11/2018 - 14/11/2018This article focuses on the interest of using dynamic Highway Code learning materials, particularly for deaf people who present low temporal skills. Twenty-one deaf and 24 hearing candidates of Highway Code were involved in a decision-making task. Four types of driving situations (overtaking, insertion on roundabout, insertion on highway and crossing an intersection) from which participants have to decide to go or not to go were presented in two different formats (static vs animated) and in two level of difficulty (simple vs complex). Results showed better performance in animated than in static condition, especially in deaf candidates. Moreover, benefit of animation is more important in complex situations. With animation, decisions made on dynamic road situations are facilitated because they reflect the spatio-temporal dimensions and can thus help the deaf candidates who have difficulties in this regard. Finally, the animation could help the learning of Highway Code

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