Maintenance strategies for corroded structural steel


Maintenance strategies for steel highway structures Is an old topic revisited by the Involved agencies due to recent changes and Increasing awareness in the condition of the environment and the regulations relating to it. Considerations for the acountablllty for the hazardous wastes created, become an Important element In the decision making process for the development of malntence strategies. The present Is a state-of-the-art report prepared for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation by the University of Oklahoma (Project 2112. ORA 158-266), and It was developed by assembling Information from numerous sources. After the first screening the Information was analyzed with the point of view of Including all significant knowledge. The report concentrates on painted structural steel, and exclude A588 weathering type steels, bridge decking and concrete reinforcement. The Information gathered was organized and evaluated on the basis of five subtopics which were considered the Influential elements involved In the development of current maintenance strategies. These elements constitute the topics of the first five chapters, namely: 1) Methods of removal of the old paint and rust; 2) Application and performance of coating systems; 3) Types of coating systems; 4) Cost considerations; and 5) Environmental regulations and Impact assessment Chapter 6 reports on the phone Interviews conducted with selected agencies In order to gather Information about any current performance evaluation of new methods and the general experience that these agencies have on the subject matter that has not found its way Into a publication.Feb-91N

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