Recent brownification of South Swedish lake waters – an effect of climate change or land use?


International audienceDissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, especially terrestrial humic matter (DHM), and water colour of many lakes and streams have increased substantially during the last decades (Evans et al. 2004, Roulet and Moore 2006). Brownification not only reduces the quality of these waters as drinking water supplies and for recreational purposes, but lake biodiversity is also expected to be effected. The aim of this project is to evaluate the potential underlying causes of the recent brownification of South Swedish lakes. Amultiproxy approach is applied (fig 3.) for reconstruct on of the biogeochemical and biological changes within selected lakes, and the vegetation/land use changes within their catchments for the past c. 1000 years. Here we present the study area, main methods, preliminary results and links to Fredh et al. projec

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