Perception native des voyelles catalanes produites par des locutrices multilingues


International audienceNative perception of Catalan vowels uttered by female multilingual speakers. This study deals with Catalan vowels produced by adolescent multilingual speakers of Catalan- Spanish who have either Catalan, Romanian or Maghrebi Arabic as their native language. We gave 21 native Catalan speakers a free sorting task based on the vowels produced in this multilingual context. This was to test the Automatic Selective Perception model (Strange, 2011), which says that, depending on the variability of the stimuli in the task, listeners will treat the stimuli either in a phonetic mode or in a phonological mode. The results obtained indicate that dual treatment was given to the stimuli: mid vowels were treated in a phonetic mode, while point vowels were treated in a phonological mode. The assimilation of vowels from one category into another provides information on the quality of non-native utterances and bears witness to the influence of speakers’ L1.RESUME Cette étude porte sur les voyelles catalanes produites par des adolescentes multilingues en Catalan-Castillan ayant pour langue maternelle soit le Catalan, soit le Roumain, soit l'Arabe du Maghreb. Nous proposons à vingt-et-un auditeurs catalanophones natifs un Test de Catégorisation Libre des voyelles produites dans ce contexte multilingue. Ce faisant, nous testons le modèle Automatic Selective Perception (ASP-Strange, 2011) qui stipule qu'en fonction de la variabilité des stimuli et de la tâche proposée, les auditeurs réalisent un traitement des stimuli selon un mode phonétique ou phonologique. Les résultats indiquent que le traitement des stimuli est double : les voyelles moyennes sont traitées selon un mode phonétique, tandis que les voyelles extrêmes sont traitées selon un mode phonologique. L'assimilation de voyelles d'une catégorie vocalique à une autre informe sur la qualité des réalisations non natives et témoigne de l'influence de la L1. ABSTRACT Native perception of Catalan vowels uttered by female multilingual speakers. This study deals with Catalan vowels produced by adolescent multilingual speakers of Catalan-Spanish who have either Catalan, Romanian or Maghrebi Arabic as their native language. We gave 21 native Catalan speakers a free sorting task based on the vowels produced in this multilingual context. This was to test the Automatic Selective Perception model (Strange, 2011), which says that, depending on the variability of the stimuli in the task, listeners will treat the stimuli either in a phonetic mode or in a phonological mode. The results obtained indicate that dual treatment was given to the stimuli: mid vowels were treated in a phonetic mode, while point vowels were treated in a phonological mode. The assimilation of vowels from one category into another provides information on the quality of non-native utterances and bears witness to the influence of speakers' L1. MOTS-CLES : Perception, Catalan, catégorisation, contraste non natif, multilinguisme

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