
Aide à la Facilitation pour une prise de Décision Collective : Proposition d'un Modèle et d'un Outil


Decision Support Systems (DSS) were designed to resolve ill or non-structured decision problems. Problems where priorities, judgements, intuitions and experience of the decision-maker are essential, where the sequence of operations such as searching for a solution, formalization and structuring of problem is not beforehand known, when criteria for the decision making are numerous, in conflict or hard dependent on the perception of the user and where resolution must be acquired at restricted time. However, traditional DSS have been closed systems and are limited to the data and models contained within the system. In general, the type of support provided is relatively passive because decision makers are expected to scan internal and external data, and find discrepancies and deviations from expectations invoking ad hoc queries and reports that run on operational databases. In the other hand, Furthermore, many mission-critical, decision making situations happen in dynamic, rapidly changing, and often unpredictable distributed environments and require synchronous cooperative session. Unlike other decision making tools, decision support systems (DSS) designed for such situations are challenged by the need to access this decentralised information at time, from anywhere, under tight time constraints. In this thesis we consider, the paradigm of distributed decision-support systems where several decision-makers must reach a common decision. As a solution we propose an integrated framework based on a distributed architecture based on two cooperation modes: (1) Man-machine cooperation (2) Mediated man-man cooperation. According to the former cooperation mode, each decision-maker uses a specific cooperative intelligent decision support system allowing him to solve problem and to generate alternative solutions. The support system is viewed as a set of computer-based tools integrating expert knowledge and using collaboration technologies that help decision-makers and provide them with interactive capabilities to enhance their understanding and information base about options through use of models and data processing. By endowing the machine of additional capacities to intelligently guide the decision maker in its problem solving process, the system plays a collaborator's role with the decision-maker. This implies a human decision-maker and an automated system sharing dynamically the tasks and jointly working towards a decision. We assume that putting the human operator effectively in the loop of such decision support system represents the major guarantee of mastering efficiently the inherent complexity of the problems. Whilst considering the latter mode, The Group Decision Support (GDSS) tools allow the group of decision makers and the facilitator to make collective decision. This kind of cooperation uses a machine as an intermediate communication medium. As many group facilitation tasks can be automated, at least partially to increase the bandwidth of group communication and the ability of the facilitator to monitor and control the meeting process, an automated process to aid even the most inexperienced facilitator. The support to facilitators is considered by incorporating a model of the decision making process. The selected model provides a detailed view of decision making process. Having a model of the decision making process built into the system should enable intelligent decisional guidance. It enables the facilitator to appropriately choose and use the framework's tools and techniques in the group decision-making processes, to monitor group's behaviour, to know when to employ particular tools and techniques to move the group towards congruence. and to provide cues and customized explanations accordingly. We illustrate the applicability and relevance of this framework through a case study related to the management system of the boiler combustion which is one of the most critical systems for the good functioning of an oil plant. It has a high impact on the methods of thinking and apprehension of various problems related to maintenance. It is a multi-participant process with high level interactivity.Nous nous plaçons dans le contexte de situations décisionnelles critiques où les activités de prise de décision collective sont généralement caractérisées par des sessions de coopération synchrones au sein d'environnements distribués dynamiques, évolutifs et souvent imprévisibles. Au cours de ces sessions, les participants agissent simultanément et depuis des points d'accès distribués sur des objets partagés en suivant des règles de coordination pouvant être implicites ou explicites et en utilisant un ensemble d'outils qui leur permettent de progresser de façon coordonnée. Chacun des participants prend quelques décisions partielles, celles-ci servant de base aux suivantes. La prise de décision nécessite alors une synergie d'efforts de plusieurs membres afin que chacun d'eux mette à contribution son savoir-faire. Les membres ayant différents intérêts, compétences et expériences ne sont plus situés dans la même pièce mais utilisent des informations venant d'autres acteurs via des réseaux de type Internet ou intranet. D'ailleurs, c'est grâce à cette synergie que les membres peuvent atteindre des résultats supérieurs à ceux que qu'ils auraient pu réaliser individuellement. Ainsi l'outil pour décider devient l'outil pour décider ensemble. La contribution principale de cette thèse dans le domaine d'aide à la facilitation de la prise de décision collaborative se trouve dans la conception et la mise en œuvre d'un modèle et d'un système dédiée à la facilitation de la prise de décision de groupe synchrone distribuée. Cette structure collective entre agents humains permet d'une part d'additionner et de mutualiser les savoirs et les capacités créatrices, et d'autre part de limiter l'incertitude inhérente au processus de prise de décision par l'échange et la comparaison des points de vue. L'idée directrice de ce modèle est de renforcer la communication ainsi que la coopération entre les différents acteurs impliqués dans la prise de décision collective. Il s'agit d'une phase de production et de résolution créative de problème individuelle précédant la présentation des contributions au collectif. Cette dynamique d'éclatement puis de regroupement implique des mécanismes de coopération et de communication entre le groupe et l'individu

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