
Aftermath of the flooding : geomorphological evolution of the Danube delta after the black sea-mediterranean reconnection and its implications on eneolithic settlements


International audienceIn this article we document the evolution of the internal area of the Danube Delta (i.e. the blocked delta) starting from the geo-archaeological and geomorphological investigations performed at Mila 23 district, following the discovery of the oldest human settlement in the Delta. The in-site and out-site field work and coring allowed us to specify the delta's early stages of evolution from 5600 to 4000 CAL BC. During this period, the site evolves as a freshwater bay-head delta flowing into a huge lagoon isolated from the open sea by Letea-Caraorman spits. The rapid sedimentation rate in the lagoon is interpreted as a response to base-level rise and overflooding as a result of humid conditions during 6-5 ky RCC, leading to the partial submersion of the site and probably to its abandonment around 4450 CAL BC

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