International audienceThis poster presents research in progress towards the simulation of handmade painterly animation. As researches on painterly animation mostly focus on temporal coherence, the generation of an animation that could have been done by hand remains an open challenging problem. To produce an hand made painterly animation, the artist paints on a retro-lighted glass canvas. He creates successive frames one over the other. The artist erase, smears and adds paint to produce each frame. We propose to render painterly animations with a visual aspect tending towards hand made results.To this end, we combines two techniques: an automatic strokes generator and a paint simulator. We observe that previous approaches could not adapt as-is to our goals for the two following reasons:Paint appearance in painterly animation is back lighted, most of paint contrast comes from paint thickness which is usually not compute by paint simulation approaches. Automatic strokes generation make the assumption that a stroke covers underlying strokes without having thickness accumulation, in our case paint thickness quickly increase if we do not apply special treatment. We also investigate new kind of strokes that are only possible with a paint simulation approach as smear and erase strokes