Wilderness User Campsite Selection


Modern management of forest resources involves more than correct application of silviculture and timber management skills. There are numerous opportunities for the forester to apply sociological and psychological skills. In managing forests for recreational use the major emphasis is sociological. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to apply my background in sociology in this research project. My interest in wilderness recreation as a participant led me to conclude that this would be the most stimulating recreation research for me to pursue. Initially it was rather difficult to get a handle on recreational research in this area but following some leads I quickly found the Forest Experiment Station files and journal articles by Forest Service researchers. Cross referencing in papers and articles led to compilation of a sizable bibliography of writings on all phases of management in American wilderness over the past forty years. Ideas for this project were germinated one day as I was reading a preliminary report on trail and campsite deterioration research. The author hypothesized that most camping takes place at an ecotone. This thought intrigued me and I started considering ways to find out where people camp in the wilderness and the logic behind their decisions. When I contacted John Hendee and Bob Lucas, they said that my ideas sounded reasonable and so I proceeded to formulate plans to carry out the research.Forest Resource

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