Investigation of improvement opportunities for Wee-Cycle Bartlesville, LLC. in Bartlesville, Oklahoma


The purpose of this report was to determine potential improvements to the operations and processes used during the set up and execution of the Wee-Cycle Bartlesville consignment sales. After identifying the areas of potential improvement, the report provides analysis and recommendations for the following areas: checkout line, sale floor organization, volunteer roles, setup processes, opportunities for additional revenue, and the accounting system.The team was introduced to the current situation through discussion with Wee-Cycle Bartlesville owner, Sara Freeman, and observation of the August 2016 sale. Sara identified her biggest concern to be the length of the checkout line during peak shopping hours of the sale. Additionally, she expressed interest in upgrading her current display equipment to accommodate more items. Volunteer roles, setup processes and an accounting system were other areas with potential improvement.In order to collect data related to the checkout line, the team observed peak shopping hours during the August 2016 sale. During the observations, the team identified a lack of consistency in the checkout processes of the various cashiers. Some cashiers completed transactions much faster than others, resulting in the team's recommendation to establish and use a standardized cashier process based on that of the fastest cashier. In addition, a volunteer helping bag items is recommended to decrease transaction time.To address Sara's interest in upgrading her sale floor equipment, the team observed the current clothing racks, tables and other display equipment used at the August 2016 sale. Her current clothing racks are a combination of saddle racks and Creform racks, with Creform racks having the ability to hold twice as many clothing items per linear foot. After weighing the cost to convert the remaining racks from saddle to Creform, the team recommends replacing all saddle racks with Creform racks. Along with the clothing racks, Wee-Cycle Bartlesville also displays items on standard 8-foot tables. The team also identified potential gain in display space if a simple shelf was placed on top of the display tables to allow for the display of additional items.Sara is often the first resource volunteers and customers seek out when a problem or question arises. She expressed great interest in being able to manage her sale, rather than spread herself thin working a register, briefing volunteers, and answering customer questions. To address this concern, the team focused on improving the volunteer roles. Roles currently lack definition and volunteers lack training, which limits the volunteer's understanding of their responsibilities. The team developed and documented volunteer role definitions and a brief training guide, the use of which are recommended to reduce confusion and questions to Sara.Another potential area investigated for improvement was the setup process. At this time, consignors drop off their items on either Tuesday or Wednesday based on the first letter of their last name anytime between 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Because consignors decide when to drop off their items, Sara and her staff experience idle time due to the variation in consignors' arrival times. To limit the employee idle time, the team recommends assigning consignor drop-off times. This change will allow Wee-Cycle Bartlesville to better anticipate how much time is needed for setup, and potentially open the sale a day early.Finally, Wee-Cycle Bartlesville does not have a formal accounting system. To address this, the team created an Excel-based accounting system which allows Sara to quickly enter and easily see her expenses and revenues. The accounting system can help capture expenses and identify cost trends and potential revenues in future Wee-Cycle Bartlesville operations.Implementing these changes requires a 3,068.12investmentandimplementingthechangeswillprovideanestimated3,068.12 investment and implementing the changes will provide an estimated 12,066.19 in additional revenue at the next sale for Wee-Cycle Bartlesville

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