
Reliable Broadcasting in VANET


Vehicular Adhoc NETwork (VANET) is a rapid growing wireless ad-hoc network model where the vehicles play the nodes role in a network. Major application of VANET including hazard warning application requires effective broadcast mechanism. Typically, selection of the next relaying hop is the major problem in VANET broadcasting. To get the smallest propagational delay, the number of relaying hops must be minimize. Meanwhile, the transmission reliability must also be preserved. Both of these two constrains must be taken into consideration. However, these two aspects often collide to each other since increasing one of them always result in decreasing of another. In this paper, I will suggest a new protocol that can satisfy great reliability without sacrificing message propagational speed. The protocol is based on RTB/CTB [1] scheme which guarantees the successful reception of a report broadcasting. However, unlike the original RTB/CTB approach where the process is slow, the proposed scheme can work much faster, yet providing broadcasting reliability due to many enhancements added in the design such as fixed short length jamming duration, non-CTB iteration, non-wasting contention slot and protocol messages reduction. As we could observed from the simulation result that the proposed protocol performed better in term of bytes usage, reliability and propagational time when compared with Slotted p persistence and RTB/CT

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