Mathematical analysis of Bose mixtures and related models: ground state theory and effective dynamics.


This PhD thesis contains new results on the mathematical study of Bose-Einstein condensation and the main part of it is devoted to mixtures of condensates, i.e., systems composed of multiple bosonic species in interaction. We prove the validity of effective ground state theories for mixtures in the Gross-Pitaevskii and mean-field regime. We show that the ground state energy asymptotics, in the large-N limit, is captured by the minimum of a suitable one-body functional. Moreover, we prove that in the ground state all species exhibit Bose-Einstein condensation onto the minimizer of that functional. For mixtures in the mean-field regime, we provide a rigorous justification of Bogoliubov\u2019s theory. This is done by computing the contribution to the ground state energy which is due to excited particles. We also prove a norm approximation for the ground state vector, in the Fock space norm. From the time-dependent viewpoint, we prove for the first time the validity of the effective equations that were previously known due to heuristic physical arguments, and that are confirmed by robust experimental evidence. Our results show that, for mixtures in the Gross-Pitaevskii and mean-field regime, the effective dynamics is governed by a system of non-linear Schr\uf6dinger equations, one for each species of the mixture. In the final part of the thesis we present additional results on problems and models related to the study on mixtures. We were able to derive the effective dynamics for spinor- and pseudo-spinor condensates. The equations that we obtain are precisely those of modern experiments with ultra-cold spin bosons. We also show that the mean-field model provide a time-dependent control of condensation that is very accurate for the typical duration times of experiments. A further result is the global well-posedness in the energy space of the singular Hartree equation. Last, we present new remarks on the adaptation of known techniques that one needs in order to prove the derivation of the magnetic Gross-Pitaevskii equation

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