Multi-area unit commitment via sequential method and a DC power flow network model.


The sequential bidding unit commitment method employs an iterative procedure. Each iteration consists of two phases--the sequential commitment phase and the price adjustment phase. The principle of the sequential bidding unit commitment method is applicable to multi-area systems. However, in a multi-area application, the evaluation of the hourly useful-spinning-capacity contribution is much more complex than that required in a single-area application. This evaluation together with the multi-area reserve constrained generation dispatch and the estimation of multi-area hourly prices, required in the price adjustment phase, are key tasks associated with this proposed multi-area extension.Based on the proposed multi-area sequential bidding unit commitment method, a multi-area unit commitment software is implemented and applied to an interconnected four-area system in the southwest part of U.S.A.In a deregulated energy industry with transmission open access, a multi-area unit commitment model is needed to simulate the competitive markets in the interconnected energy grid.This dissertation research extends the single-area sequential bidding thermal unit commitment method to multi-area systems. In lieu of the commonly used linear flow network representation, the proposed extension employs a more accurate DC power flow model to represent the inter-area transmission network

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