Current correlators, supersymmetry breaking and holography


In this thesis we will focus our attention on two particular supermultiplets. The multiplet containing conserved currents and the multiplet containing the stress-energy tensor, which in the following will be referred to as current supermultiplet and supercurrent multiplet, respectively. There are two main reasons why we have chosen these particular supermultiplets. First, they are (quite) universal: the supercurrent multiplet is defined in any supersymmetric QFT whereas the current supermultiplet only requires the existence of a preserved global internal symmetry, to be defined. The second main reason is that the operators populating these multiplets have protected dimensions. This is in fact a crucial point in our holographic approach. An operator whose dimension is not protected usually gets a huge anomalous dimension at large 't Hooft coupling and this means that its holographic dual is not captured by the supergravity approximation we will be using. In fact, such operators typically correspond t massive stringy states, which get projected out by taking the alpha' --> 0 limit

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