
Can shed snakeskin be considered to be a model membrane for human stratum corneum?


Recently there has been some interest in the use of shed snake skin as a "model" membrane for in vitro diffusion studies. Many different species of snake have been utilised as well as different skin sites (dorsal and ventral). The species is usually named and sometimes the skin site is indicated butsometimes neither species nor skin site is reported. Insome countries it is particularly difficult to obtain human skin for in vitro experimentation and it is therefore important to have alternate biological or synthetic membranes which mimic human skin membranes for diffusion experiments. In South Africa. shed snake skin is easily obtainable from the many snake parks present in the country. Since snakes moult periodically, a single animal can provide repeated sheds, thus reducing interindividual variability. Skins can be obtained without injury to the animal and do not have to be subjected to chemical or heat stress prior to use. The epidermis is shed as a large intact sheet, thus a single snake skin can provide multiple samples. Shed snake skin is not a living tissue, can be stored for long periods at room temperature and is easily transported. Stored and fresh snake skins appear to show no differences in permeability. Since snake skin lacks hair follicles,the problems associated with the transfollicular route of penetration, which may be significant in mammalian skins, can be avoided

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