
Women economic initiative projects : Shinyanga Municipality


Shinyanga Women Society and credit Society (CHAMIWASHI) was selected for this project. The purpose of this paper was to assess the process which has been taken towards the implementation of IGAs of the CHAMIWASHI (CBO).The consultancy work was launched with the CHAMIWASHI group to establish critical economics development factors that needed improvement. The problem is that the Group members have poor IGAs and low standard of living. Major problems identified for the poor women, these include insufficient capital, lack of saving habit, poor income generating activities, women dependency on men, poor management of income generating activities and low level of education.These were revealed through the survey study conducted from the CBO members and other stakeholders in Shinyanga municipality. The recommendations were made to address the existing economic problems of the CBO which are:- The CBO and other stakeholders should have deliberate efforts for capacity building, awareness creation to the group members who believed that strongly they need assistance from external in order to improve their standards of living. Group members were emphasized to be aware of their potentials and opportunities they have. To undertake capacity building sessions for the management committee in particular on how to run various IGAs activities of the CBO in order to achieve its objectives.The survey findings reveal that capacity building for the group is so important to enable the CBO members realize their potentials and opportunities they have. The proposal for the implementation of the project is presented as the need for a training program for the CBO. The training comprises of how to conduct meetings in CBOs, decision making in meetings, difficulties in decision making, why needs assessment is important in CBOs, local fund raising techniques in CBOs, record keeping in CBOs and other necessary documents for records of the CBO. The micro-credit institution groups FINCA and PRIDE have been identified as potential possible resources for capacity building of the CBO for its development and poverty eradication among the group members. (Author abstract)Mwalla, M. F. K. (2005). Women economic initiative projects: Shinyanga Municipality. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.eduMaster of Science (M.S.)School of Community Economic Developmen

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