
ECCOPLACE : an economic development strategy


As stated in the thesis project, "The ECCO Place Project of Providence, Rhode Island has its beginning rooted in the strategies and dreams of what has now been defined as the Civil Rights Movement of the fifties and sixties. The struggle centered around the re-cognition of equal rights and equal access. At that time it was access, now it is assets for this is the track that the "Movement" was on. On February 19, 1968 on the occassion of the gathering of over 1200 urban Pastors at the Miami Sheraton Convention Center. Reverend Virgil Wood in his keynote address pro-posed an economic development arm to the Civil Rights move-ment. The meeting in Miami concerned itself with the up-coming Poor Peoples Campaign. Dr. Wood suggested Marching on Wallstreet to close it down in order to address economic injustice." (Library-derived description)Taylor, K. B. (1988). ECCOPLACE : an economic development strategy. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.eduMaster of Science (M.S.)School of Community Economic Developmen

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