
Water training needs assessment of Kijichi Beach Community


The KIBEDEA Community Based Organization is located at Kijichi Beach in Temeke Municipal. It was initiated by a group of 25 members, who had gathered for celebrating the New Year 1997. The idea of forming the CBO came about due to hardship that affected the community. The hardships include; water shortage, poor roads, lack of schools, health facilities, etc. Registration process was completed in August 1997. Through voluntary cooperation of community members and international NGO, they have managed to rehabilitate a primary school, roads and acquire two water schemes among other successes. The two deep tube well water scheme, which should be sufficient for solving water problem in the area are not providing water regularly. The problem was said to occur due to recurrent pump failure and lack of technical skills among the community members. Training was suggested in order in order to impart skills and capacity building for community water scheme sustainability. The training needs assessment was carried out as a ground work for training to be conducted later. The water training needs assessment project involved the following activities: () Community familiarization whereby several visits were done to the community before deciding the survey design (ii) conducting survey and (iii) literature review in order to establish valid data from which training will be based From data collection and analysis it was found that, the community had hardly attended training regarding water scheme management and other community issues despite the potential and willingness to be trained. Training needs for KIBEDEA includes; importance of water and sanitation, water scheme sustainability through community and private involvement in management and financing the scheme, gender equity and policy matters. (Author abstract)Herman, P. P. R. (2005). Water training needs assessment of Kijichi Beach Community. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.eduMaster of Science (M.S.)School of Community Economic Developmen

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