Evaluation of an experimental protective coating for bridge steel (88-03)


This report describes the application of an experimental metal sealer to bridge beams which are coated with lead-based paint. Regulations developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , prohibit the introduction of material containing lead into the environment. Containment and disposal methods required for sandblasting lead-based paints have proven to be costly. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is searching for an economic alternative to sandblasting steel. Two bridges in western Oklahoma were treated with the experimental metal sealer in 1962. A visual survey was conducted on these bridges to evaluate the performance of the sealer. However, the formulation of the sealer applied to these bridges is unknown. The experimental sealer required that only dirt, grease, and hard scale be removed prior to application. The sealer was thin and had a tendency to run, even when applied at the manufacturer's suggested rate. The cost of the sealer application was less than removal and containment methods previously used.Construction ReportN

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