CE18-Bullet: Candidate engine for a next generation supersonic transport


This report details the cycle and component design of a gas turbine engine to be used on a 100 passenger supersonic transport. The engine, CE18-Bullet, is a mixed-flow, low-bypass ratio turbofan with a max diameter at the fan of 89 inches and a bypass ratio of 2.1. The fan pressure ratio is 2.5 and core of the engine has a 10-stage compressor, which achieves an overall pressure ratio of 42. The low pressure shaft powers the fan using 2 turbine stages while the high pressure shaft powers the compressor using 2 turbine stages. The advanced design of this engine demonstrates substantial improvements over a previously designed baseline engine in TSFC, thrust, weight, and flight envelope. The CE18-Bullet engine provides an 18.1% improvement of TSFC and a 34.2% improvement on thrust at the cruise condition

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