
Drug Cases Filed across the Alaska Court System, FY 2008–2017


Underlying data is available in both Excel and PDF format. (Download below.)This fact sheet presents data on drug-related court filings throughout the state of Alaska for the fiscal years (FY) 2008 through 2017 and the 10-year trend of misdemeanor and felony drug case filings for Alaska and for the Anchorage, Palmer, Kenai and Fairbanks courts over the same period. Overall, felony drug case filing rates remained stable or increased in all locations until FY15 or FY16, before decreasing dramatically from FY16 to FY17. The exception is the Fairbanks court, which maintained an overall decrease in felony drug case filing rates over the 10-year period. Misdemeanor drug case filing rates, regardless of whether they increased or decreased between FY 2008–2014, decreased in all locations from FY 2014–2016 before increasing from FY 2016–2017. The year with the lowest felony drug case filing rate, for all locations, was in FY17. The lowest misdemeanor drug case filing rate, for all locations, was in FY16. Data is drawn from annual reports of the Alaska Court System for the FY 2008 through 2017.Drug cases in Alaska / Proportion of drug cases / Drug case filing rate / Overall felony drug cases filed / Overall misdemeanor drug cases filed / Other courts’ felony drug cases / Other courts’ misdemeanor drug cases / Summary / Not

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