
カイゴ ロウジン フクシ シセツ ニ ニュウキョスル ヨウカイゴ コウレイシャ ニ タイスル カンゴ ガクセイ ノ エンジョ カテイ ニ オケル チャクガンテン


背景 看護基礎教育カリキュラムの改正が行われ,老年看護学では,学生が高齢者及びその生活機能を理解し,高齢者への看護実践能力を高める指導が求められている.そこで,学生が高齢者と関わる時間や生活援助の機会が多いと思われる生活の場としての「介護老人福祉施設」で,学生が高齢者と関わる過程を分析することで,実習指導の示唆を得たいと考えた.目的 介護老人福祉施設における老年看護学実習で,学生の要介護高齢者への援助過程における着眼点を明らかにする.方法 研究デザインは,質的帰納的研究である.対象は,研究に同意の得られた介護老人福祉施設で老年看護学実習を行った学生6(男子1)名である.データ収集は,高齢者に関わる学生を参加観察(観察者として)し,実習終了後に半構成質問紙による面接を行った.分析は,参加観察と面接および学生の実習記録を統合して行った.結果 得られたデータは,学生6名が高齢者8名に関わった38場面であった.実習経過では,初日の学生は,高齢者との関わりに戸惑い,その関わりを模索していた.3日目は,記録や教職員の助言等を参考に,高齢者の看護ニードを把握し援助した.最終日は,学生が主体的に高齢者の自立を支援した.これらの援助過程には,学生が高齢者への援助の関わりに着眼した視点があり,その類型を分類したところ,1)高齢者の残存機能に働きかける,2)高齢者との人間関係を重視する,3)高齢者の生活行動を重視する,4)高齢者の健康的な反応を引き出す,5)高齢者の感情を重視する,の5類型が抽出された.結論 学生が高齢者を援助する着眼点は,5類型が認められた.指導者は,抽出された学生の高齢者への援助の類型を活用して,教育的支援を行うことが重要と考える.Background Following revisions of the curricula for basic nursing education,students in geriatric nursing receive instruction on understanding elderly individuals and their daily functioning,and enhancing their nursing skills when working with them.And we sought to determine which suggestions are necessary for practicum instruction by analyzing the processes of students when interacting with elderly care recipients at a nursing home in geriatric nursing practicum. Purpose To explore the opinions of nursing of students interacting with elderly care recipients at a nursing home in a geriatric nursing practicum. Methods This study employed a qualitative and inductive study design.Participants were six students (one male) who consented to participate and who were completing their geriatric nursing practicum at a nursing home for the elderly. Data were collected through participatory observations of the students interacting with the elderly care recipients and semi-structured interviews after practicum completion.For analysis,we created transcripts by integrating materials from the observations,interviews,and practicum records. Results/Discussion We obtained data from 38 scenes where the six students interacted with eight care recipients.In terms of processes,on the first day they tended to be confused and struggled in their interactions with the individuals. On Day 3,they were likely to look at records and seek advice from their instructors,and attempted to understand the nursing needs of the care recipients and assist them.On the final day of their practicum,the students were actively supporting the independence of the care recipients.In the processes of assistance,we extracted five categories of particular perspectives the students had while assisting the care recipients :( 1) working on the care recipients\u27 remaining functions,(2) emphasizing interpersonal relationships with them,(3) emphasizing their daily living behaviors,(4) eliciting healthy reactions from them,and (5) valuing their feelings. Conclusion There were five categories of the student opinions of nursing for elderly.We suggest that instructors utilize these categories in their provision of educational support

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