Structural Controls on the Edwards Aquifer/Trinity Aquifer Interface in the Camp Bullis Quadrangle, Texas


The purpose of this study was to generate a three-dimensional computer model and predictions of localized fault related deformation in the Edwards Aquifer and the Trinity Aquifer in the study area. The study also provided an analysis of the potential for hydraulic communication across the interface between the two aquifers, taking into account fault-related deformation and juxtaposition of the aquifers across key faults. The study was completed in December 2003 by Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas. The purpose of the project reported here is to characterize the structural architecture of the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers for the area of the Camp Bullis 7 ½ minute quadrangle, and extending north to include Cibolo Creek in the southern part of the Bergheim 7 ½ minute quadrangle. Included in this analysis are tasks to generate a three-dimensional computer model of the Trinity and Edwards Aquifer, and perform field investigations to characterize the mechanisms and products of localized fault-related deformation in the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers in and near the study area. An important objective is to analyze the potential for communication between the Edwards Aquifer and the Trinity Aquifers, taking into account fault-related deformation and juxtaposition of the aquifers across key faults. Results of the project show the aquifer architecture throughout the study area, the location and interpreted geometry of the most important mapped faults in the study area, and the deformation mechanisms and deformation style in fault zones in the rocks of both the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers. The three-dimensional geologic framework model of the Camp Bullis area reveals (i) juxtaposition of permeable and relatively impermeable hydrogeologic units, (ii) structural thinning of the Edwards Aquifer and Trinity Aquifers, (iii) potential for cross-fault communication between the Trinity and Edwards Aquifers, (iv) faults expressed on the surface as potential infiltration pathways, and (v) maximum offset concentrated alo

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