Effect of brand credibility and innovation on customer based brand equity and overall brand equity in Turkey: An investigation of GSM operators


Today, challenging and intense global competition conditions have led to the transformation of local and small markets into larger and more developed markets. For this reason, firms have had to make different strategic decisions in order to survive and profit. If firms want to challenge the competitors one way is to increase their brand equity. The main purpose of this research is the effect of brand credibility and innovation on customer based brand equity and overall brand equity in the context of three GSM operators in Turkey. The sample for the study is limited to 589 participants. The data was collected between 31th of May and 7th of June 2018. A convenience sampling process was used to collect data for this research and 589 pieces of data were collected through a questionnaire survey. Correlation and regression tests were performed to examine the relationship and effect between variables in the study. Regression analyses were employed with the purpose of revealing the effect of brand credibility and innovation on customer based brand equity, its dimensions and overall brand equity. The results of the analyses indicated that brand credibility and innovation had positive effect on customer based brand equity as well as its dimensions. Since there is no literature on the effect of credibility and innovation on both customer based brand equity dimensions and overall brand equity in a holistic approach in the GSM sector in Turkey, this paper aims to contribute to this gap

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