
Musemo: Express Musical Emotion Based on Neural Network


Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering (Convergence of Science and Arts)Music elicits emotional responses, which enable people to empathize with the emotional states induced by music, experience changes in their current feelings, receive comfort, and relieve stress (Juslin & Laukka, 2004). Music emotion recognition (MER) is a field of research that extracts emotions from music through various systems and methods. Interest in this field is increasing as researchers try to use it for psychiatric purposes. In order to extract emotions from music, MER requires music and emotion labels for each music. Many MER studies use emotion labels created by non-music-specific psychologists such as Russell???s circumplex model of affects (Russell, 1980) and Ekman???s six basic emotions (Ekman, 1999). However, Zentner, Grandjean, and Scherer suggest that emotions commonly used in music are subdivided into specific areas, rather than spread across the entire spectrum of emotions (Zentner, Grandjean, & Scherer, 2008). Thus, existing MER studies have difficulties with the emotion labels that are not widely agreed through musicians and listeners. This study proposes a musical emotion recognition model ???Musemo??? that follows the Geneva emotion music scale proposed by music psychologists based on a convolution neural network. We evaluate the accuracy of the model by varying the length of music samples used as input of Musemo and achieved RMSE (root mean squared error) performance of up to 14.91%. Also, we examine the correlation among emotion labels by reducing the Musemo???s emotion output vector to two dimensions through principal component analysis. Consequently, we can get results that are similar to the study that Vuoskoski and Eerola analyzed for the Geneva emotion music scale (Vuoskoski & Eerola, 2011). We hope that this study could be expanded to inform treatments to comfort those in need of psychological empathy in modern society.clos

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