Finding region of interest and automatic cropping from Palm leaf manuscripts by using one-dimensional segmentation


This paper offers finding the region ofinterest and automatic cropping from palm leafmanuscripts developed by using one-dimensionalsegmentation. This system can be used to providefor enhancing palm leaf manuscripts are takenby high quality resolution digital camera. Theone-dimensional segmentation approach is thatobject location can be determined by clusteringpoints of interest and hierarchically formingcandidate of palm leaf manuscript regionsaccording to similarity and spatial proximitypredicates. This system can be used to optimizetwo factors: RGB background colors andnumber of vertical lines to choose candidatearea. Moreover, one-dimensional edgesegmentation performs better accuracy and lesscalculation time than other traditional filters.This system can be applied to segmentation ofcandidate area which includes text. The resultsof the research can be used as an input image toimplement an OCR system to provideinformation of being existence for their relatedfields

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