Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Based Secure Communication System


Security aspects come into play when it is necessaryor describe to protect the information transmission. The goal ofcryptography is to make it possible for two people to exchange amessage in such a way that other people cannot understand themessage. This thesis is intended to implement a secureinformation system for critical applications. The key DerivationFunction is to calculate Keying data which is divided into twokeys, ENCkey and MACkey. ENCkey is used for encryption anddecryption the message and MACkey is used for messageauthentication code( MAC) scheme to check the receivingmessage is valid or not. The XOR Encryption scheme is used forencryption operation. We compare the performance of EllipticCurve Cryptosystem(ECC) with other cryptosystem in terms ofkey sizes; ECC has the same level of security with smaller keysizes. So, ECC is used the smart and other critical applicationssuch as military departments, banking systems and etc

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