Performance Assessment for a Population of Jobs


Beginning in the early 1980s and continuing through the middle 1990s, the US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) sponsored a comprehensive research and development program to evaluate and enhance the Army\u27s personnel selection and classification procedures. It was actually a set of interrelated efforts (one major effort named Career Force, collectively known as Project A, that were carried out by the sponsor (ARI) and a contractor consortium of 3 organizations (the American Institutes for Research—AIR, the Human Resources Research Organization—HumRRO, and the Personnel Decisions Research Institute—PDRI). the purpose of this chapter is to describe the criterion measures that were developed based on the job analysis work on Project A. All of the criterion measures used in this program are described, including those developed to assess performance at the end-of-training, during a soldier\u27s 1st tour of duty (within the 1st 3 yrs), and during the 2nd tour of duty (roughly between the next 3–5 yrs of enlistment)

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